Oracle CodeOne 2019 was held on September 16th-19th in San Francisco. During the event developers, users, architects, managers and many IT stakeholders from around the world had the opportunity to network, share and learn about the established and cutting edge technologies related to cloud-native, Apache TomEE, Eclipse MicroProfile, GraalVM, Data Science, DevOps, Jakarta EE, Testing frameworks and more. Tomitribe was again excited to return to the second iteration of what used to be JavaOneConf. Four Tribers: David, Amelia, Jean-Louis and Cesar were actively involved in many presentations, Hands-on Labs, community activities/parties and Hackergartens. Activities Covered Meet the JCP Executive Committee 20th JCP…
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Grupos de usuarios de Java de España y Latinoamérica nos hemos unido para compartir conocimientos. Desde noviembre del 2017 hemos estado reuniéndonos periódicamente para compartir conocimiento utilizando los dos lenguajes que mas nos gustan, Java y el Español. Los eventos anteriores han sido transmitidos en directo desde el canal de Youtube de Evento JEspañol. Desde el Caribe el grupo de usuarios la República Dominicana Java Dominicano será el encargado de moderar nuestro sexto encuentro titulado: Cómo contribuir en proyectos open source. En esta sesión estaremos hablando sobre cómo contribuir al código abierto: herramientas, medios, proceso, recomendaciones y más. Trabajaremos…
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At Tomitribe we are active stakeholders on projects like Apache TomEE, MicroProfile, and JakartaEE and provide Enterprise Support for these and other Open Source projects like Apache Tomcat & Active MQ. In this article, we will cover how developers can create a microservice with Java using the MicroProfile specifications with the DevOps friendly application server, Apache TomEE. If MicroProfile is a topic you want to learn more about, we have many other blog posts covering the basics of MicroProfile with details of each of the specifications along with examples. The official Apache TomEE project website also has a series of…
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In our previous blog post, Getting Started with Microprofile Metrics, we covered the basic concepts about metrics scopes and types of application metrics you can include in your existing JAX-RS endpoints. In this article, we are going to summarize the metadata and default values from the MicroProfile Metrics annotations and how they should be applied. The type of annotations applied to a target tracks how that target (field, method, etc.) is measured and the default values help us to make our code cleaner. Default units and targets per annotation Table No.1 describes each of the Metrics annotations and the target…
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Durante esta sesión de video, Daniel Dias y Cesar Hernandez comparten sus retos, oportunidades y recomendaciones para iniciar a contribuir en proyectos de Código Abierto como lo és Apache TomEE. La demostración de la sesión incluye como desde cero llegar a colocar un pull-request en el proyecto Apache TomEE cubriendo los aspectos de herramientas, procesos y comunicación.
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Tomitribe support customers often use Java Singleton EJBs, and while powerful the sequence of startup and initialize can be confusing. This tutorial will help explain how Singleton EJB’s can be eagerly initialized at application startup and how we can define a priority during this process. Review EJB Annotations Before jumping into the code let’s do a recap of the following annotations used in this blog post: @Singleton Component-defining annotation for a singleton session bean. @Startup Marks a singleton bean for eager initialization during the application startup sequence. @DependsOn Used to express an initialization dependency between singleton components. The container ensures…
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In this article, we are going to learn how to configure on TomEE 7.x or later with the legacy JSON provider used by TomEE 1.7.x. This scenario is useful when you are migrating JAX-RS based applications and want to keep the legacy JSON processing from the Jettison library (v1.3.7) used by TomEE 1.7.x. Since TomEE 7.x, The Johnzon library has been the default provider because it implements the JSON-P_1.1 (JSR-353) and JSON-B_1.0 (JSR-367) specifications. Application and Server configurations In order to enable Jettison as the JSON provider for TomEE 7.x or later you need to execute the following changes: In…
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Remote debugging is a common practice for troubleshooting issues in software development. If you are using Tomcat or TomEE with Docker containers as part of your stack you can find various techniques to enable debug capabilities in these types of containers: 1. Create a custom Docker image by extending an existing official one 2. Extensive customization of CATALINA_OPSTS However, both approaches require extra steps in some scenarios. Below I share the simplest method I have used to do remote debugging in Apache Tomcat and Apache TomEE with a Docker image: $ $ docker run -it -p 8080:8080 -p 8000:8000 -e…
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El debug remoto es una práctica común para investigación de problemas de microservicios. Si estas utilizando contenedores Docker Apache Tomcat o Apache TomEE, en la web puedes encontrar varias técnicas como lo son: 1. Extender una imagen oficial y personalizar 2. Utilizar personalización extensiva de CATALINA_OPTS Sin embargo ambos enfoques requieren extra pasos aplicables para algunos escenarios. A continuación les comparto la forma más sencilla que he utilizado para poder hacer debug remoto en Apache Tomcat y Apache TomEE: $ $ docker run -it -p 8080:8080 -p 8000:8000 -e CATALINA_OPTS="-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=*:8000" tomcat:9.0.17-jre11 Anatomía de las opciones utilizadas: docker run Comando para…
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In a previous post, “How to Get Started Contributing to TomEE or any Open Source Project”, we explained the general workflow - things to do and steps to avoid - that can help you join and maximize your contribution to an Open Source Project. In this post, we will walk you through the technical steps one can follow to contribute to the Apache TomEE Website. It's common knowledge in any Content Management System (CMS), that the complexity of information organization is directly proportional to the amount, type and format of information an organization want’s to provide to the users. For…
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