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MBD-to-MDB Messaging: Harness the Power of the River Delta

By ActiveMQ, Apache TomEE, Open Source, TomEE No Comments
Tomitribe supports many of organizations that use ActiveMQ, JMS, and Message-Driven Beans in production with TomEE. This post is derived from experience working with those organizations to improve their system performance and software architecture. The idea behind yesterday's MDB tutorial was to divide up the work of spidering a web page among three different MDBs each with a specific purpose. This division of labor is an important concept in messaging in general and MDBs in particular. This article shows how MDBs can communicate with outside applications as well as other MDBs in a Java EE application server. This latter capability,…
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5 Minutes or Less: Message-Driven Beans with ActiveMQ and TomEE

By ActiveMQ, Apache TomEE, Open Source, TomEE 6 Comments
Tomitribe supports many of organizations that use ActiveMQ, JMS, and Message-Driven Beans in production with TomEE. This post is derived from experience working with those organizations to improve their system performance and software architecture. When you have finished the tutorial you may be interested in a deeper discussion of what the tutorial is designed to teach you about MDBs. For that, proceed to "MBD-to-MDB Messaging: Harness the Power of the River Delta" which explains how MDBs can be used to create a river delta-like architecture. The tutorial contains three MDBs and one stand-alone JMS client. The purpose of the system…
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5 Minutes or Less: ActiveMQ with JMS Queues and Topics

By ActiveMQ, Jakarta EE, Open Source 15 Comments
Tomitribe supports a lot of clients that use ActiveMQ and JMS in production. If you need expert support to optimize and maintain your ActiveMQ setup, contact Tomitribe today for professional assistance. This post introduces you to both ActiveMQ and JMS. If you already understand the fundamental concepts behind JMS messaging, skip ahead to “A Short ActiveMQ and JMS Tutorial”.. It should take five minutes or less. If you are new to JMS then keep reading! JMS Concepts A messaging system is composed of a JMS Broker (middleware), Queues and Topics, and Producers and Consumers. The JMS Broker There is a…
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