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TomEE: Upgrading is Easy!

By Apache TomEE, Open Source No Comments
Apache TomEE has been designed from the ground up to be very easy to upgrade. This allows the open source project to innovate quickly and update often without major disruptions to our communities deployments. What follows are some simple tips that will help you upgrade when the time comes. Drag and Drop Jars Keeping a simple structure and remaining true to its Tomcat roots is a guiding principle for Apache TomEE. As a result, the folder structure for TomEE is simple, and easy to understand. Adding additional libraries, for example, a JDBC jar for a datasource defined in TomEE’s main…
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TomEE: Fat-Jar Deployments

By Apache TomEE, Docker, Jakarta EE, MicroProfile 2 Comments
In this blog post, I will show you how to create a distribution of your application that ships with TomEE so you can run your application out of the box. What is a Fat Jar? Fat Jar, Uber Jar, Shaded Jar. These have different names, but all of them have the same meaning. It is simply a Jar file that contains all of your project class files, plus all the classes of the dependencies of the project. This concept is not really new, it has been used for several years. However, with the growing popularity of cloud deployments and adoption…
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TomEE: WebSocket and Lock it!

By Apache TomEE, Arquillian, Jakarta EE, Open Source No Comments
Note: This article was originally authored by Romain Manni-Bucau in May of 2015 and has been updated by Bruno Baptista. Tomitribe uses the WebSocket API to add security credentials to REST services in our support services. This article has been updated to the latest versions of WebSocket and other resources and shows how you can easily add authentication to your REST calls.   WebSockets are a good technical solution when there is a requirement for interactive communication. A typical example is a chat system, but it makes more sense for live updates such as the stock market.  For example, being…
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TomEE: Using JCache with CDI

By Apache TomEE, Hazelcast, Jakarta EE No Comments
Although this article was originally written and published earlier, we felt it was important to cover it again on our blog.  JCache continues to offer exceptional advantages in enterprise computing and has been used by Tomitribe support services to improve performance of enterprise applications running TomEE.   The JCache JSR (JSR-107), finalized in late 2014, provides a standard mechanism to cache values in a map-like structure using a key. There are a number of different JCache implementations to choose from, and swapping between them should be no more difficult than swapping out .jar files on the classpath. In these examples,…
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TomEE: Getting Started in 5 min or Less

By Apache TomEE One Comment
Note: TomEE is a great, lightweight, Java EE 7 application server that you may not have worked with before.  No fear!  This quick and easy tutorial, originally published in 2016, will get you started working with it and hopefully convince you that TomEE is not only easy and lightweight but also powerful!     If you just heard about TomEE and want to know more, then you've come to the right place. This post will guide you on how to start using TomEE for your Java EE project.  Members of Tomitribe are co-founders and significant contributors to the TomEE open source…
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TomEE: Running with Systemd

By Apache TomEE, Community, Open Source No Comments
What is systemd? Systemd is the first background process to run and the last background process to end in the Linux operating system. It has the process id (PID) of 1, meaning that all other background processes (aka daemons) are created by systemd; it is the root background process in a Linux operating system. Systemd is designed to provide a unified configuration process for bootstrapping Linux processes, enable and disable process, and manage the interface between those processes and user applications.  Developers can configure systemd using standard files called units. Units can be used for defining the initialization process for…
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Developing Batch Applications with TomEE

By Apache TomEE, Jakarta EE One Comment
Java developers have recognized the need for batch applications a really long time ago, but have had to get by with non-standard approaches – until now. JBatch (JSR-352) introduces an exciting Java specification for building, deploying, and running batch applications, thus standardising the development of such applications. Currently JSR-352 is part of the Java EE 7 specification and has full access to all other features of the platform, including transaction management, persistence, messaging, and more, offering the developer very robust data processing opportunities. In this article, we will create from scratch, a small web application which demonstrates the use of…
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Getting Started with TomEE

By Apache TomEE No Comments
If you just heard about TomEE and want to know more, then you've come to the right place. This post will guide you on how to start using TomEE for your Java EE project. But wait, what exactly is TomEE? TomEE is just Tomcat + Java EE = TomEE (Pretty simple, right?) What is TomEE? (the long version) TomEE is assembled from a vanilla Tomcat zipped file with all the additional libraries required to provide a Java EE environment. These include Apache CXF, ActiveMQ, OpenWebBeans and OpenJPA to name a few. This means that if you already use Tomcat and…
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Testing persistence with Arquillian on TomEE

By Apache TomEE, Arquillian, Jakarta EE No Comments
Testing enterprise applications that use persistence can be a hassle: A test database has to be configured. The database has to be seeded before the test. After the test the state of the database has to compared with the expected result. This post shows how to write a test for a Java EE application that uses the Java Persistence API using these technologies: Arquillian is a testing platform that allows, among other things, testing Java EE applications in a Java EE application server. The Arquillian Persistence Extension is an extension to Arquillian that takes over seeding the database, matching the…
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TomEE QA (in Portuguese)

By Apache TomEE No Comments
A few weeks ago, the Tomitribe team represented by Daniel Cunha and Roberto Cortez had the honour to participate in the first ever SouJava online meeting, hosted by Bruno Sousa and Otávio Santana. SouJava is the largest Java User Group in the world, with almost 18 thousand members. Very impressive. SouJava contacted us to talk a little bit about TomEE and the end result is a video with a lot of interesting questions about the technology.     The video is in Portuguese, but if you would like to see something similar in English, please let us know. Enjoy!
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