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Moving from javax to jakarta namespace

By ActiveMQ, Apache TomEE, Jakarta EE, Java EE, MicroProfile, Open Source, Tomcat, TomEE One Comment
This blog aims at giving some pointers in order to address the challenge related to the switch from `javax` to `jakarta` namespace. This is one of the biggest changes in Java of the latest 20 years. No doubt. The entire ecosystem is impacted. Not only Java EE or Jakarta EE Application servers, but also libraries of any kind (Jackson, CXF, Hibernate, Spring to name a few). For instance, it took Apache TomEE about a year to convert all the source code and dependencies to the new `jakarta` namespace. This blog is written from the user perspective, because the shift from…
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Bolivia JUG April 2020 Meetup

By Apache TomEE, Community, Jakarta EE, Java EE, MicroProfile, Open Source, Spanish, TomEE, Tribers Tour, Tribers vTour No Comments
In April 2020, the Bolivia Java User Group held a virtual meetup with Latin American JUG's participants. The event covered Java cloud-native and microservice development, infrastructure, and contribution to the Open Source ecosystem distributed in three sessions: It's Easy! Contributing to Open Source César Hernández, from Guatemala JUG, provided a session about how to contribute and become a valuable part of any open source community. Examples of how to learn and apply soft and hard skills were presented based on MicroProfile and Apache TomEE Open Source projects. Attendees were able to learn how to access and navigate the culture of…
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Keeping Brazil’s Medical Industry Safe with MicroProfile & JakartaEE – Jakarta Tech Talks

By Apache TomEE, Community, Eclipse Foundation, Jakarta EE, Java EE, MicroProfile, Open Source, TomEE, Tomitribe, Tribers vTour No Comments
At Oracle Code One 2019  Rafael Guimares, Otavio Santana, and I presented this 45 minutes session for the first time. We provided a case of cloud migration and modernization of a widely use monolithic system with the help of MicroProfile, Jakarta EE, TomEEand Tribestream API Gateway in the Brazilian medical Industry that involved several challenges such as the fifth-largest population and largest territory in the world; technical complexity; and diversity, both geographic and economic. At the beginning of 2020, we were invited via the Jakarta EE Community Forum signed up sheet here to present the session as part of the…
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Configuring JDBC in TomEE

By Apache TomEE, Jakarta EE, Java EE, TomEE, Tutorials 4 Comments
A question that comes up frequently in the TomEE community and with Tomitribe’s support customers is “How do I configure a JDBC driver?” There are a number of ways to do this, but I’m going to talk about the two most common methods. You can configure a JDBC driver for the entire TomEE application server or for a specific webapp. Regardless of which way you choose to do it, the configuration syntax is the same. NOTE: You can also configure a JDBC DataSource directly within an @Resource annotation but this is not recommended and is not covered here. See the…
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How to create a microservice with MicroProfile and Apache TomEE

By Apache TomEE, Eclipse Foundation, Jakarta EE, Java EE, MicroProfile, Open Source, TomEE No Comments
At Tomitribe we are active stakeholders on projects like Apache TomEE, MicroProfile, and JakartaEE and provide Enterprise Support for these and other Open Source projects like Apache Tomcat & Active MQ. In this article, we will cover how developers can create a microservice with Java using the MicroProfile specifications with the DevOps friendly application server, Apache TomEE. If MicroProfile is a topic you want to learn more about, we have many other blog posts covering the basics of MicroProfile with details of each of the specifications along with examples. The official Apache TomEE project website also has a series of…
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5 minutes or less: Jakarta JSON Binding with Apache Johnzon

By Jakarta EE, Java EE, Open Source, TomEE No Comments
This tutorial shows how to use Jakarta JSON Binding to deserialize JSON data into Java POJOs and to serialize Java POJOs into JSON data. The Jakarta JSON Binding provider used is Apache Johnzon To get started you will need to clone the jsonb-basic-tutorial project on GitHub. Create a directory on your Desktop or somewhere and execute the following Git command. git clone Assuming you have Maven installed your next step is to go into the new jsonb-basic-tutorial directory and execute the Maven install command mvn install The jsonb-basic-tutorial uses mock JSON data from The JSON data is stored…
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MicroProfile: How it has evolved and where it’s headed?

By Jakarta EE, Java EE, MicroProfile, Open Source No Comments
About a year ago, I wrote a blog post about MicroProfile that explained what it is and why it was created. The explanation of what it is and why it was created is still valuable, but MicroProfle evolves rapidly, so it’s time to talk about where we are at, what’s new, and what to expect in the next few months. MicroProfile Today As per June 2019, MicroProfile 3.0 has been released with the following content.   MicroProfile 1.4 release from last year MicroProfile 3.0 release from this year   Updated versions of Metrics and Health Check introduced breaking API changes.…
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Singleton Session Beans: Eager initialization and ordering

By Apache TomEE, Jakarta EE, Java EE, TomEE No Comments
Tomitribe support customers often use Java Singleton EJBs, and while powerful the sequence of startup and initialize can be confusing. This tutorial will help explain how Singleton EJB’s can be eagerly initialized at application startup and how we can define a priority during this process. Review EJB Annotations Before jumping into the code let’s do a recap of the following annotations used in this blog post: @Singleton Component-defining annotation for a singleton session bean. @Startup Marks a singleton bean for eager initialization during the application startup sequence. @DependsOn Used to express an initialization dependency between singleton components. The container ensures…
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