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TomEE vs. Tomcat

By Community, Jakarta EE, Open Source, Tomcat, TomEE One Comment
Our support customers will sometimes ask, "What is the difference between Tomcat and TomEE," but that’s not really the right question. It’s like asking which is better “Omelets or Eggs” or “JSP or Servlets”. You can’t have the first one without the second. TomEE is Tomcat Plus It’s easier to think of TomEE as the same thing as Tomcat plus some bells and whistles, because TomEE is built on top of Tomcat. Specifically, TomEE 8 is the complete Tomcat 9 distribution plus Jakarta EE 8 (formerly Java EE 8) specific APIs. Tomcat is a powerful and hugely popular Java web…
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JConf Guatemala 2019

By Community, Open Source No Comments
The biggest Java conference in Central America, Jconf Guatemala, was held on November 8th and 9th, 2019 by the Guatemala Java User Group -GuateJUG-. The conference, formerly known as Java Day Guatemala, gathered more than three hundred attendees from different countries like Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Perú, Colombia, Ecuador, and Honduras. The conference had a broad participation from local speakers along with various Java Champions, Ground Breakers, and developers advocates from the Industry. JConf is an effort promoted by various Latin America Java User Groups to homogenise the yearly conferences organized in countries like Perú, Colombia, Domincan Republic,…
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Tomitribe at CodeOne 2019

By Community, Open Source, Tomitribe No Comments
Oracle CodeOne 2019 was held on September 16th-19th in San Francisco.  During the event developers, users, architects, managers and many IT stakeholders from around the world had the opportunity to network, share and learn about the established and cutting edge technologies related to cloud-native, Apache TomEE, Eclipse MicroProfile, GraalVM, Data Science, DevOps, Jakarta EE, Testing frameworks and more. Tomitribe was again excited to return to the second iteration of what used to be JavaOneConf.  Four Tribers:  David, Amelia, Jean-Louis and Cesar were actively involved in many presentations, Hands-on Labs, community activities/parties and Hackergartens.  Activities Covered Meet the JCP Executive Committee 20th JCP…
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HackDay: Cómo contribuir en proyectos Open source

By Community, Open Source No Comments
 Grupos de usuarios de Java de España y Latinoamérica nos hemos unido para compartir conocimientos. Desde noviembre del 2017 hemos estado reuniéndonos periódicamente para compartir conocimiento utilizando los dos lenguajes que mas nos gustan, Java y el Español. Los eventos anteriores han sido transmitidos en directo desde el canal de Youtube de Evento JEspañol. Desde el Caribe el grupo de usuarios la República Dominicana Java Dominicano será el encargado de moderar nuestro sexto encuentro titulado: Cómo contribuir en proyectos open source. En esta sesión estaremos hablando sobre cómo contribuir al código abierto: herramientas, medios, proceso, recomendaciones y más. Trabajaremos…
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How to create a microservice with MicroProfile and Apache TomEE

By Apache TomEE, Eclipse Foundation, Jakarta EE, Java EE, MicroProfile, Open Source, TomEE No Comments
At Tomitribe we are active stakeholders on projects like Apache TomEE, MicroProfile, and JakartaEE and provide Enterprise Support for these and other Open Source projects like Apache Tomcat & Active MQ. In this article, we will cover how developers can create a microservice with Java using the MicroProfile specifications with the DevOps friendly application server, Apache TomEE. If MicroProfile is a topic you want to learn more about, we have many other blog posts covering the basics of MicroProfile with details of each of the specifications along with examples. The official Apache TomEE project website also has a series of…
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5 minutes or less: Jakarta JSON Binding with Apache Johnzon

By Jakarta EE, Java EE, Open Source, TomEE No Comments
This tutorial shows how to use Jakarta JSON Binding to deserialize JSON data into Java POJOs and to serialize Java POJOs into JSON data. The Jakarta JSON Binding provider used is Apache Johnzon To get started you will need to clone the jsonb-basic-tutorial project on GitHub. Create a directory on your Desktop or somewhere and execute the following Git command. git clone Assuming you have Maven installed your next step is to go into the new jsonb-basic-tutorial directory and execute the Maven install command mvn install The jsonb-basic-tutorial uses mock JSON data from The JSON data is stored…
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MicroProfile: How it has evolved and where it’s headed?

By Jakarta EE, Java EE, MicroProfile, Open Source No Comments
About a year ago, I wrote a blog post about MicroProfile that explained what it is and why it was created. The explanation of what it is and why it was created is still valuable, but MicroProfle evolves rapidly, so it’s time to talk about where we are at, what’s new, and what to expect in the next few months. MicroProfile Today As per June 2019, MicroProfile 3.0 has been released with the following content.   MicroProfile 1.4 release from last year MicroProfile 3.0 release from this year   Updated versions of Metrics and Health Check introduced breaking API changes.…
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Conviértete en un Contributor de Open Source con Apache TomEE

By Apache TomEE, Community, Open Source, TomEE No Comments
Durante esta sesión de video, Daniel Dias y Cesar Hernandez comparten sus retos, oportunidades y recomendaciones para iniciar a contribuir en proyectos de Código Abierto como lo és Apache TomEE. La demostración de la sesión incluye como desde cero llegar a colocar un pull-request en el proyecto Apache TomEE cubriendo los aspectos de herramientas, procesos y comunicación.
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TomEE MicroProfile on Heroku

By Apache TomEE, MicroProfile, Open Source, TomEE No Comments
Following up on his last article, “CRUD with TomEE, MicroProfile, and REST”, Hayri Cicek deploys the TomEE MicroProfile application on Heroku, a cloud provider. Heroku is a cloud platform as a service (PaaS) supporting several programming languages and I've been using it for several years without any problems. Visit and create a free account. TomEE configuration Inside projects root directory create the Procfile and add the following: web: java -DadditionalSystemProperties=-Dhttp.port=$PORT -jar target/blog-exec.jar The Procfile is used to specify commands executed by the app's Heroku containers, which they call "dynos". Dynos are isolated, virtualized Linux containers designed to execute code…
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