DevNexus Feb 19th to 21st, is the Atlanta annual software developer conference that’s run by the Atlanta Java Users Group . This event gathers more than 2,400 attendees from all over the world and covers a wide range of topics within the Java Platform, cloud architectures, OpenSource, frameworks, Web and Frontend, tools and techniques, security, Agile, etc.
JUG Leaders Summit
To celebrate 25 years of Java, a JUG Leaders Summit will take place on the 19th gathering more than 40 Java User Groups from around the world. The unconference day will provide an open and collaborative space to learn from each other and get ready for the next 25 years of Java. The Atlanta JUG Team is providing full visa and travel support to the interested JUG Leaders, making the 19th, the most diverse and inclusive JUG Summit to be seen today. I am excited to represent my country JUG Guatemala on that day!
Tribers’ Sessions
Co-Author: David Blevins
On the 21st at 11:20 AM, David is presenting “Jakarta Messaging, the Rebirth of JMS” outlining the next major iteration of the Java Message Service in its new life as Jakarta Messaging. The presentation first details efforts taking place in Jakarta Messaging 3.0, targeting Jakarta EE 9, which focuses exclusively on the javax to jakarta namespace transition. After an overview of the impact of the namespace change and brief timeline of Jakarta EE 9, the presentation dives into the early, yet aggressive, plan for Jakarta Messaging 4.0 which aims to bring the specification to the next level with a large set of API changes. Proposals that will be covered include a JAX-RS inspired annotation API, JSONB message marshaling, CDI integration, meta-annotations reduce annotation repetition and more. Attendees will have the opportunity to learn how to get involved in the early stages of the open-source rebirth of JMS.
On the same day at 10:20 AM, I will also present “It’s Easy! Contributing to Open Source”. I will cover how to get involved and contribute to any open source community. Attendees will learn soft and hard skills based on two case studies: Eclipse MicroProfile and Apache TomEE projects. Attendees will learn to access the culture of open source projects, expected behavior and attitude toward new contributors; how to start small, take risks, ask lots of questions; and how to get started with common open-source tools like Maven, Git, and JIRA.
OpenSource R³ Jam returns!
Co-author: Amelia Eiras

Open Source R³ Jam Party is YOUR DevNexus Community Party that welcomes the ~+2,400 attendees to Relax, Recharge & Relax, TOGETHER. 2020 Sponsors AdoptOpenJDK, Azul Systems, DevNexus, Hazelcast, JFrog, Okta, Open Source Initiative, Sonatype and Tomitribe are excited to share this event with you. Ryan and Amelia, along side with the 8 Partners, are having the most fun finalizing the last details for this gathering.
Vince Mayers ‘s 2020 OSSRRR blog explains nicely the return of OSSRRR and how much fun attendees can expect, from live-music by the local Atlanta Indie Rock legends Quiet Hounds, to the coolest limited swag. The OSSRRR +2hrs party will provide tasty food, drinks +3 bars, live-music, cool stickers, koozies and even give anyone interested, the opportunity to wear his/her very own party shirt. #earnTHATshirt activity is about individuals choosing to share. Becoming a part of the #sharingIScaring social buzz is a choice that encourages everyone to blog &/or vBlog. Wearing the OSSRRR shirt at the party is the individual’s signature that aligns with the individual’s healthy Open Source mind, enhancing OSS ecosystems and enrichesing networking values.
Open Source R³ Jam welcomes YOU, the interested future Sponsor, to submit your desire to participate for OSSRRR next iteration, details HERE. OSSRRR is a trademark of the ATL JUG Group.
Securing the #OSSRRR Party Shirt
This blog secures the shirts for the 3 Tribers attending DevNexus. With First Come, First Served inventory, we couldn’t wait to share it, neither should you! 🙂
Alongside David and Amelia, I look forward to catching up with old friends and meeting new ones the week of DevNexus. See you there!