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I’m César Hernández a Senior Software Engineer for Tomitribe

Cesar has experience in the development and testing of Enterprise Applications for public and private sectors.  He is a contributor for Eclipse Microprofile, Apache TomEE, a committer for JakartaEE, and has led implementations of Continuous Integration with Docker, Jenkins, Maven, Jmeter, SonarQube, selenium and cucumber JVM. As a software architect, he directed application server migrations with modern technologies like JPA, CDI, and RESTful services.

He is the founder of tFactory open source tool, active blogger, and his leadership in many Java-related initiatives led him to be awarded with the Java Champion, Groundbreaker Ambassador title and Duke’s Choice award. When César is away from a computer, he enjoys spending time with his family, public speaking and playing music with the Java Community Band, “The Null Pointers”.

Years contributing to

Apache TomEE & 
